Curtis in 1993 with his dog Pumpkin!
Pumpkin is an Australian Cattle Dog or Red Heeler

Summer of 2005 picture of Curtis, Arielle, Noah, and Smokey Bear!

Curtis and Arielle with Leahy on February 27th, 2004.
The brother and sister band of Leahy.
One of the best bands in the world!
Sometimes seen on PBS. Go see them in concert!

Curtis in 2006: A typical American? :-)

Curtis, Arielle, and Noah, Fall of 2007

Curtis and Noah with Kasey Kahne's race car, July 25th, 2008.
Curtis has been legally blind since late 96, and totally blind since 98.
And yes, Curtis did design this website while totally blind!
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Curtis' own websites
In the Beginning .com
Amen and Amen .com
Ye Old Hall Castle
Other websites designed by Curtis
The ScreenWorker
Need new screens for windows or doors?
CKCC - Country Kids Childcare Center of Orting Washington