www.CurtisLeeHall.com points to this site www.InTheBeginning.com
1 Timothy 1:5 But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. (NAS)
John 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
35 "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (NAS)
If these are the type of questions you seek to have answered, then hopefully you have come to the right place! Learn what people like D. L. Moody, Charles G. Finney, Smith Wigglesworth, and others really believed. Sadly, many Christians do not know what most of these great saints of the past believed, and what their personal experiences were with God. I hope and pray that some of the following articles will help take away any veil that might still be robbing from you what God truly desires and has for your life! |
Noah and Curtis, Frozen Fletch Tournament 2013
Currently Featured Favorite Link
Servant Quarters
Learn a lot about who Jesus really is, and is not.
Free MP3 book downloads, such as The Jesus Style.
Bumping Into God - autobiography by Erik the Flute Maker
All proceeds from this book will be donated to the Kids of Cascabel.
I highly recommend this friend's autobiography and ministry.
Christian and Other Books I Would Recommend
Mostly biographies and autobiographies.
THE DISCLAIMER: I probably do not agree with everything that anyone has to say in their articles on this site, nor have I ever totally agreed with anyone I have met in life. This probably includes you also. And there probably isn't anyone out there who agrees with everything I believe or have to say either. I am not your spiritual father, teacher, and definitely not your Lord or the Holy Spirit, nor am I your priest (See Matt23:8-10, Heb3:1, 1Peter2:9, etc). If I only placed articles on my site that I considered perfect, then I probably wouldn't be able to place any articles on my site ever, including my own. Now that I have said that, I do believe there is truth to be found in every article on my site. It is up to you and the Holy Spirit in you to discern what is good, and to ponder or reject the rest. So, that is all I have to say about that, thus ending my disclaimer. :) |
Why God used D.L. Moody Personal Memoirs of Revival - chapters 2 and 3 Enduement for Service - chapter 8 Power from On High - chapters 1 thru 3 Is the Current Church Structure Biblical? A Worker is Worthy of His Wages?
Who are the Clergy? The Priesthood of All Believers Escape from Churchianity The House Church Movement The Ministry of One-Anothering The Oberlin Evangelist
on Prayer for the Holy Spirit Secret Power - chapter 2 Three Fires - from Revival Addresses Ever Increasing Faith Time of Tribulation 1965 Prophecy by Stanley Frodsham 1968 Prophecy by 90 Year Old Woman in Norway Some Writings of Catherine Booth "A Snack We Call Supper", an article on the Lord's Supper "House Churches", an article on a biblical alternative to institutional churches An Account of the Revival of Religion in Northampton in 1740 - 1742 Tongues of Fire and the Fulness of God The Chocolate Soldier Absolute Surrender and Other Addresses The Difference Between the Sheep and the Goats Love is Everything! The Unselfishness of God and How I Discovered It - the 3 missing chapters The Covering True God or American Idol Visions Beyond the Veil The Practice of the Presence of God The Price of God's Miracle Working Power How I Became a Christian The Book of Ecclesiastes The Gospel of John Rotherham's Emphasized Bible (EBR) - New Testament Liar, Liar! Divorce in the Eyes of a Twelve Year Old Chief Joseph's Surrender Speech and Story What is Abortion?
A Child's Voice Fox's Book of Martyrs |
Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners;
These links will open in a new window
Rethinking the Fivefold Ministry Spiritual Authority - Part 3 Pastor, Bishop or Nicolaitan Overlord And They Will Make Merchandise of You Same Old Story: Montanus vs. Ignatius of Antioch Twisted Scriptures |
Ever Increasing Faith - 118KB Personal Memoirs of Revival - 375KB Power from On High - 81KB Rotherham's Emphasized Bible (New Testament) - 501KB Some Thoughts Concerning the Present Revival of Religion in New England - 188KB Visions Beyond the Veil - 70KB Ben Hur - A Tale of the Christ - 454KB The Pilgrim's Progress - 126KB The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life - 162KB Absolute Surrender and Other Addresses - 73KB Fox's Book of Martyrs - 430KB
An ever expanding conversation of those thinking outside the box of organized religion.
Answer educational questions and give away free rice!
It's fun for both kids and adults.
Answers In Genesis (above links) is a young Earth website.
Below is an old Earth website for another point of view.
Reasons to Believe - Hugh Ross
"If the doctrine of Christian union is true, then division and
sectarianism are a great and prodigious evil, and therefore ought to
be abolished. Who then will lay the axe to the root of this corrupt
tree to help cut it down?" "The right kind of evangelical order cannot be exhibited among all sorts of people, but those who are seriously determined to be Christians and confess the gospel with hand and mouth, must enroll themselves by name and meet apart in one house, for prayer, for reading, to baptize, to take the Sacrament, and exercise other Christian works. With such order it would be possible for those who did not behave in a Christian manner to be known, reproved, restored, or excluded, according to the rule of Christ (Matt. 18:15). Here also they could, in common, subscribe alms, which would be willingly given and distributed among the poor, according to the example of Paul (2 Cor. 9:1-12). Here it would not be necessary to have much or fine singing. Here a short and simple way of baptism and the Sacrament could be practiced, and all would be according to the Word and in love. But I cannot yet order and establish such an assembly...In the meantime I will call, excite, preach, help forward it, until Christians take the Word so in earnest, that they will themselves find how to do it and continue in it." "We stink more of the world than we stink of sack cloth and
ashes. A lot of contemporary churches today would feel more at
home in a movie house rather than in a house of prayer, more
afraid of holy living than of sinning, know more about money than
magnifying Christ in our bodies. It is so compromised that
holiness and living a sin-free life is heresy to the modern church.
The modern church is, quite simply, just the world with a Christian
T-shirt on!" " The Lord has shown me that I can do anything, but that He has
said, 'apart from Me ye can do nothing.' So it comes to this, that
everything I have done, and can still do apart from Him is nothing!" "A man may study because his brain is hungry for knowledge,
even Bible knowledge. But he prays because his soul is hungry
for God." "There is a great deal of worldliness, and earthly-mindedness,
and covetousness among the professing Christians of our day.
They are worshipers of the golden calf! O sirs! the world is
all shadow and vanity. The world is like Jonah's gourd--a man
may sit under its shadow for a time, but it soon decays and dies.
"If He is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all." "By affliction, the Lord teaches His people to sit loose
from this world, and to be prepared for eternity.
By affliction, God shows His people the vanity, vexation,
emptiness, weakness, and nothingness of all created
things; and the choiceness, preciousness and sweetness
of communion with Himself." "Protestantism is, for the most part, just slightly reformed Roman Catholicism." "It is a costly and a suffering thing to come up against the
religious system that has ' settled down ' here. It is far more
costly than coming up against the naked world itself. The religious
system can be more ruthless and cruel and bitter; it can be
actuated by all those mean things, contemptible things, prejudices
and suspicious things that you will not even find in decent people
in the world. It is costly to go on to the heavenlies, it is painful; but
it is the way of the pioneer, and it has to be settled that that is
how it is." "Christ's true church is built of living stones, not of dead wood." "In every generation the number of the righteous is small. Be sure
you are among them." "It is wonderful what God can do with a broken heart, if He gets all
the pieces." "Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?" "His will is my hiding place." "There was a day when I died, utterly died-died to George
Mueller, his opinions, preferences, tastes, and will; died to the
world, its approval or censure; died to the approval or blame even
of my brethren and friends-and since then I have only to show
myself approved to God." "The only crown Jesus ever wore on earth was a crown of thorns." When the missionary E. Stanley Jones met with Gandhi he asked him, "Mr. Gandhi, though you quote the words of Christ often, why is that you appear to so adamantly reject becoming his follower?" Gandhi replied, "Oh, I don't reject Christ. I love Christ. It's just that so many of you Christians are so unlike Christ." Gandhi then added, "If Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today," "…although I am myself not a Christian, as an humble student of the Bible, who approaches it with faith and reverence, I wish respectfully to place before you the essence of the Sermon on the Mount...There are thousands of men and women today who, though they may not have heard about the Bible or Jesus have more faith and are more God fearing than Christians who know the Bible and who talk of its Ten Commandments..." Deuteronomy 8:2 "You shall remember all the way which the LORD your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not." |
What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?
This website created and designed by
Curtis Lee Hall
(Click link above and below for pictures!)
P.O. Box 781
Buckley, WA USA
(Very close to Mount Rainier)
phone (+1) 360 829 0971
Contact Curtis Lee Hall
Ask me about sending Bibles to China for only $3 each!
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Lee Hall
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Memorial to my good mate John Andrew Kelly
March 28th, 1966 - July 18th, 2010
Rules for Bruce's 5 Card and 7 Card Pinochle
In memory of my brother Bruce Alan Hall (1953 - 1989)
Visit my first and original website at:
Ye Old Hall Castle
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Stay away from UOS. Very poor customer support.
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Put me like a seal over your heart, Like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, Jealousy is as cruel as the grave; |
- Song of Songs 8:6-7 |
Noah takes 1st place with horsebow at
Frozen Fletch Shoot - February 2013
Isaiah 45:20 "Gather yourselves and come; Draw near together, you fugitives of the nations; They have no knowledge, Who carry about their wooden idol And pray to a god who cannot save.
"It does not appear that these extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were common in the church for more than two or three centuries We seldom hear of
them after that fatal period when the Emperor Constantine called himself a Christian, and from a vain imagination of promoting the Christian cause thereby
heaped riches, and power, and honour, upon the Christians in general; but in particular upon the Christian clergy. From this time they almost totally ceased;
very few instances of the kind were found. The cause of this was not (as has been vulgarly supposed) "because there was no more occasion for them," because
all the world was become Christian. This is a miserable mistake; not a twentieth part of it was then nominally Christian. The real cause was, "the love
of many," almost of all Christians, so called, was "waxed cold." The Christians had no more of the Spirit of Christ than the other Heathens. The Son of
Man, when he came to examine his Church, could hardly "find faith upon earth." This was the real cause why the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were
no longer to be found in the Christian Church -- because the Christians were turned Heathens again, and had only a dead form left." |
All things bright and beautiful,
Noah with Hungarian Horsebow and handmade arrows, Summer 2011.
Daughter Arielle, 19, and son Noah, 13, Spring 2013